Securing a new position is one of the most rewarding experiences in our lifetime… and we want to help you on the next step of your journey! We are Market Experts and will be able to make the process of searching for your next opportunity a hassle free, exciting and (dare we say) enjoyable experience.
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- Face to face meeting with a Market Expert.
- CV advice and tips for making you stand out from the crowd.
- Market insight including salary guides.
- P.O.A. – Our plan of action for the steps we will take to act in your best interests and regular updates so you can see the progress being made.
- Honest, confidential support throughout the entire process.
- Interview preparation guide and tips for your specific opportunity.
- We’ll even pick up the tab for the coffee!
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We’re happy when you’re happy! We provide a market leading service built on a collaborative approach and our extensive market knowledge. It is what makes us the Market Experts when recruiting Transactional Finance & Payroll positions within the West Midlands.
An overview of the professionals that we work with and vacancies that we specialise in:
Payroll Clerk
Not all heroes wear capes. Responsible for ensuring that employees are paid accurately and efficiently whilst adhering to strict deadlines.
Payroll Manager
A business critical position within any organisation which requires a team of Payroll Clerks and/or a payroll process to be managed from start to finish.
Purchase Ledger Clerk
Holds the purse strings and oversees the company purchases. An experienced Purchase Ledger Clerk has a keen eye for detail and builds strong relationships with suppliers.
Purchase Ledger Manager
An integral part of any business which requires a team of Purchase Ledger Clerks. Responsible for motivating a team whilst overseeing multiple company payments with one eye on cash flow.
Credit Controller
Cash is key and without a strong Credit Controller business growth can be impeded. Tenacity personified.
Credit Control Manager
A strong Credit Control Manager is invaluable. Essential in any business where a team of Credit Controllers are required and tasked with ensuring cash is collected whilst maintaining future relationships with customers.
Sales Ledger Clerk
Works alongside Credit Control in larger businesses or oversees credit control in SME’s. Accuracy and a natural ability to manage money are essential skills in any strong Sales Ledger Clerk. Ensures every penny owed is accurately invoiced and allocated.
Sales Ledger Manager
Integral in any business where there are a team of Sales Ledger Clerks and multiple and varied transactions. Often responsible for managing millions of pounds they are an essential component in any large successful finance team.
Accounts Assistant
Responsible for overseeing various company transactions whilst supporting senior management. Accounts Assistants are important in any business where workload and volume requires additional support. The ideal position when studying AAT.
A master of all trades who thrives in a role with full autonomy. Often a “one person finance function” in an SME environment an experienced Bookkeeper ensures business can continue to thrive as normal.